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City Partners with Rancho Mirage Developer for $1M Hartman Road Expansion


Maricopa Announces Major Road Improvements to Support Growing East Side Development

The City of Maricopa has unveiled a comprehensive roadway improvement project along Hartman Road, implementing strategic changes to enhance traffic flow as the city continues to expand. The project, which involves a partnership between the City of Maricopa and Meritage Homes of Arizona, Inc., encompasses multiple improvements between W Bowlin and Honeycutt roads.

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Construction on Martman Road between Honeycutt and Bowlin Roads. [Source: City of Maricopa]

Southbound Lane Expansion Complete

A major milestone has already been achieved with the addition of a second southbound lane on Hartman Road between W Bowlin and Honeycutt roads. This expansion, fully funded and completed by area developers, exemplifies the city’s commitment to ensuring infrastructure keeps pace with growth without passing costs to existing residents. The “growth pays for growth” approach helps maintain the city’s development while protecting current residents from additional financial burden.

Public-Private Partnership Details

The City of Maricopa has entered into a partnership with Meritage Homes, the developer of several parcels within the Rancho Mirage Master Planned Community, to construct critical road improvements. Under this agreement, Meritage Homes will construct both the median improvements (including irrigation and landscaping) and one northbound lane along Hartman Road from W Bowlin Road to W Honeycutt Road.

The City has committed $1,023,170.52 to fund these improvements, recognizing the regional impact these developments will have on the city’s road network. All construction will comply with the City of Maricopa’s specifications and engineering standards. Upon completion, the roadway improvements will be conveyed to the City of Maricopa, with the developer providing a one-year warranty against defective workmanship and materials.

Northbound Lane Development Plans

The northbound expansion is included in the city’s 5-year Capital Improvement plan, with construction scheduled in two main phases:

Current Phase:

  • Construction of median curbing and landscaping
  • Installation of irrigation systems
  • Addition of one northbound lane

Future Phase (FY27-28):

  • Design and construction of second northbound lane
  • Installation of curb and gutter
  • Development of shared use path
  • Implementation of drainage systems and street lights
  • Relocation of underground utilities

Intersection Improvements

The intersection of Hartman and Honeycutt roads will undergo significant changes to improve traffic flow:

  • Conversion from current four-way stop to two-way stop configuration
  • Free-flowing traffic on Honeycutt Road
  • Stop signs maintained for northbound and southbound Hartman Road traffic
  • New dedicated left turn lane on the east side of Honeycutt onto southbound Hartman

Project Timeline

  • Project Start: July 1, 2023
  • Project Completion: June 30, 2029

These improvements are part of the city’s strategic plan to maintain efficient traffic flow while accommodating continued growth. The Public Works Department will oversee the project as part of the city’s capital improvements initiative.

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City Partners with Rancho Mirage Developer for M Hartman Road Expansion: A Step Towards Supporting Growth